HBO David Simon 好剧让人灵魂战栗!没有什么大drama却让人欲罢不能,历史滚滚潮流中的无力感,既难受又难舍。几个Pimp daddy的下场有点草草(你眼中的世界Michael Stahl-David来演gay咯
真人版 谁陷害了兔子罗杰
什么牛头不对马嘴的东西 浪费阿染 浪费阿柄 浪费阿亮 浪费阿酱 除了最后的山羊 其他能不能都删了
"Not even god can change what has happened.The future hasn't happened yet, the past is over, the only time is now and what you do in this moment. And what you gotta do is not make excused for what you've done, but own that it's 100% wrong, and equip yourself with more powerful,more empowering coping skills.So you don't get in this situation again."