Tell me how I could possibly be convinced that what I'm experiencing today isn't preparations for tomorrow, when you keep asking me 'so what?' and never give me a clue how I am supposed to enjoy this moment. Yet, what is in tomorrow that is so fantastic?
个人认为,这是影史唯二的国家级历史角度写实史诗影片(另一部一江春水向东流)(指环王、星球大战等科幻史诗不计入内)。用力略重于原著,分量却是相当甚至更直接更具体更冲动的。以费雯丽、盖博为首的演员们极专注地代入了角色的情绪,节奏非常好,家事居多,国事基本盘的笔墨虽少却“状若眼前”。写实多而提纯给力,片末的give a damn、another day配合gone with the wind声势惊人、回味无穷。