精彩在于真实事件本身。25岁的画大饼,让有地位之人认栽而闭口不谈,求捷径之人深陷其中,寻真相者日渐共情,何其讽刺。前有局外人一语中的:People only flash money like that when they’re trying to distract you from something. 对应记者撰文剖析她把握住的纽约灵魂:If you distract people with shiny objects, show them money, they’ll be virtually unable too see anything else. 唯说不清受益人是谁的指控才是NOT guilty,真·游戏赢家。P.S. 主人公原型受访片段可见其自信放光芒之感远高于剧作中所刻画的。
「The universe has a way of leading you to where you're supposed to be, at the moment you're supposed to be there.」