「"This above all: to thine own self be true." Be yourself, and you'll find out that people will like you for that, respect you for that. And the world will be better place for it. So, anything that stops human being being true to himself or herself is bad thing.」
Blue is what I feel on the good days.预言般怪异又强力.它有种晦暗的正气和硬质的无奈,关于尖刻/善与错位.最普通的不高兴与没头脑们被生活风侵水蚀,这是件简单的事么?书写以精密的谋篇布局作答,意象的针脚贯穿而人物走在螺旋阶梯,一切却又似平凡自然地发生.演职员们太棒了,是他们让我如沐微寒的日光.