Lena Headey很适合演这种角色。https://www.bilibili.com/video/av8731456探险家被困地底30年,靠吃鼹鼠生存,最终变异成了吃人的怪物https://www.bilibili.com/video/av39662618探险队发现神秘洞穴,派人下去查看,没想到里面封印着可怕生物https://www.bilibili.com/video/av56553768
All good things must come to an end but not the BAU! The show is finished but true heroism still goes on in this bleak world. Loved the show and every regular, despite the ups and downs in ratings and the accolades and critiques. Loved the beginning and closing quotes which make crime fighting poetic. It will remain one of my all-time favorites.