十几年前不懂这个电影,十几年后明白我很孤独叫做I love u。 各种彩色毛喜欢看人屁股,原来屁眼还能藏玩具,有趣有趣。 还有还有,下不来台就别下了,台下椅子不够,哈哈哈哈。 这片子果然越扣越有趣,法内有情的殿堂说因为没有走程序所以陪审团要绝对当做没听到。 还默默地打了一手女权的牌,吕仁,谐音女人。
You try to hold everything together, try to be strong, and believe that you're going to be okay. But the truth is that it's not always going to be okay. Sometimes shit happens that you can't control. Things can go wrong in a second. It was really terrifying when you realize that you were weak. 最后一集: Everything will be okay in the end, and if it's not okay, it's not the end.